Data Think Lab

We are a data strategy agency unlocking the potential of hotel data to drive growth and innovation with a human centric approach.

We understand that the success of hotels hinges on providing exceptional guest experiences. Achieving this requires a deep understanding of your property and guests' behavioural patterns.

The datasets your hotel possesses are a treasure trove of information that can significantly enhance guest satisfaction, streamline operations, and boost revenue.

But Today's data often exists in silos across various platforms, making it challenging to consolidate and interpret it in a way that drives your hotel's business forward. This is precisely why we established DataThink Lab—to assist you in bringing clarity to your data and understand its value.

Our Process: We begin with defining what you want to achieve and work alongside you, offering external strategic and technical services to co-create data-driven solutions.

Consider us your strategic partner, helping you to refine your internal data for improved insights, personalised guest experiences, and increased revenue.

Melanie Rozencwajg

With a background in creative technology and social science, Melanie embarked on her exploration of archives as data transformation in the digital age during her master's degree at the Royal College of Art a decade ago. This research led to the creation of two companies that seamlessly blend tech, design, and social sciences, with operations in 125 countries, where she delved deeper into the vast potential of data.

In 2021, she was honoured with the prestigious "Women in Culture" prize for her contributions to tech and innovation.

In 2023, she founded Data Think Lab, which includes a talented pool of data experts from around the globe, an ethical board and cultural psychologists.